Midwest Gang Investigators Assoc. Conference Sponsorship

May 11, 2023
8:00 am

10:00 pm

Event Description

We are pleased to announce we are sponsoring and will have a booth at the MGIA National Gang Conference. Come visit Safe Society! Tickets are available through the MGIA website. ABOUT THE MIDWEST GANG INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION The Midwest Gang Investigators Association (MGIA), formed in 1987, is an organization representing 12 states throughout the Midwest. We have State Chapters in Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Kentucky with over 2,000 members. MGIA provides a collaborative association whose mission is in developing and recommending strategies to prevent and control gang crime, administer professional training, and assist criminal justice professionals regarding gangs in their communities. OUR MISSION The source of gangs is a clear and present danger to our internal national security. These gangs adversely impact the quality of life within our communities with violence, drugs, and associated criminal activities. To ensure and enhance public safety, the need exists for a coordinated response to a threat of this magnitude. The consolidation and distribution of information, the standardization of training, and the creation of a close partnership among federal, state, and local law enforcement are among the elements critical to the accomplishment of this objective. By working in collaboration with promoting a comprehensive gang strategy, MGIA assists agencies and communities with successfully combining these elements at all levels. Working with the National Alliance of Gang Investigators' Associations (NAGIA), MGIA is a unique alliance of criminal justice professionals dedicated to the promotion and coordination of national, state, and local anti-gang strategies and initiatives.